Little Manatee River State Park Campout
The Details
This trip is for Navigators, Adventurers and Registered Adults.
What - Activities and Agenda
Tent Camping and fishing off of the Sunshine Skyway Fishing Pier. Trailmen will be working on Outdoor Cooking Badges and Fishing badges. You can arrive at 4:00 PM. The parks gates will close at 8:00 PM, but we should be able to get you in if you need to arrive later.
Little Manatee River State Park
215 Lightfoot Rd
Wimauma, FL 33598
(813) 671-5005
We are camping in the group campsite.
Friday, November 4th - Sunday November 6th.
Either deliver your son to us at Juniper Springs on October 26th
You can arrive at 4:00 PM.
Arrange transportation for your trailman.
How Much
Price Per Person is $30
Price includes 5 meals (Fri dinner, Sat breakfast, Sat lunch, and Sat dinner, Sun Breakfast), camping fees and activities.
Bare Minimum Camping Checklist
Closed Toe Shoes
Pair of Socks for Every Day +1
Pair of Underwear for Every Day +1
Shorts or Pants (Switchback pants work well)
Headlamp / Flashlight
Tent (We have enough tents for Navigator and Adventurer boys only)
Sleeping Bag
Water Bottle
Camp Stove/Mess Kit (Adventurers only)
Cold Weather
Long Underwear (if really cold)
Hat or Knit Cap
Sleeping Pad (barrier between cold ground)
Extra Blanket
Extra Towel
Water Shoes (Optional)
Sun Protection
Other Optional Items
Flip Flops
Bug Spray
The Facilities
We are camping in a group campsite with limited facilities. There are hot showers and flush toilets nearby. Water is outside for the campsite - we will need to transport in bulk from a nearby spigot. Bring your own jugs to refill. There is NO electricity at the campsites.
Food for 5 meals (Fri dinner, Sat breakfast, Sat lunch, and Sat dinner, Sun Breakfast) is included in your registration fee. We will provide snacks at night during campfires.
Things You Should Know Before Coming
We are responsible for cleaning the camp at the conclusion of our stay, so don’t rush off without helping!
We will meet on Friday at the campground after the appointed check in time. You must arrange your own transportation for your trailman.
Each family is responsible for providing their own camping equipment.
Have a question? Send us a message.
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